Kemp v. Northstar Emergency Medical Services, Inc.,
Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Civil Action No.:
If NorthStar Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (“NorthStar”) Notified You Of A Data Incident, You May Be Eligible For Benefits From A Class Action Settlement.
This Settlement Website is not a solicitation from a lawyer, junk mail, or an advertisement. A Court authorized this Settlement Website.
A proposed Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit known as Kemp v. NorthStar Emergency Medical Services, Inc., Case No.: 63-cv-2023-900249.00 (“Litigation”), filed in Circuit Court of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.
This Litigation arises out of a data security incident, and alleges that an unauthorized third party accessed NorthStar’s computer systems and data in September 2022, resulting in the third party’s potential access to personal information belonging to Plaintiffs and Settlement Class Members, including but not limited to individuals’ names, Social Security Numbers, dates of birth, patient ID number, treatment information, Medicare/Medicaid number, and/or health insurance information (“Data Incident”). NorthStar disagrees with Plaintiff’s claims, disputes liability, and denies any wrongdoing.
All Settlement Class Members can receive the following benefits from the Settlement: All Settlement Class Members are eligible to recover compensation for up to $1,000 of their unreimbursed out-of-pocket expenses, that were incurred between March 14, 2023, and June 10, 2024, as a direct result of the Data Incident.
Reimbursement Claims: Compensation for Ordinary Losses, Settlement Class Members may claim up to $1,000 by submitting a valid and timely Claim Form and reasonable supporting documentation for ordinary losses demonstrably incurred, more likely than not, as a result of the Data Incident. Ordinary losses can arise from the following categories: (i) Out of pocket expenses incurred as a direct result of the Data Incident; or (ii) fees for credit reports, credit monitoring, or other identity theft insurance product purchased between March 14, 2023, and the date of the close of the Claims Period. Compensation for Lost Time, Settlement Class Members may claim up to 5 hours of lost time, at $20 an hour, if at least one hour of documented time was spent dealing with the Data Incident.
Cash Compensation: In the alternative of reimbursement claims, Settlement Class Members may make a claim for a cash payment that is estimated to be approximately $50, subject to pro rata (increase or decrease) of the Post-Loss Net Settlement Fund.
Included in this Settlement as a Settlement Class Member are:
All persons who provided their personal data to NorthStar and were notified that their personal data may have been impacted as a result of the Data Incident.
Excluded from the Settlement Class are NorthStar’s officers and directors, as well as (i) all Settlement Class Members who timely and validly request exclusion from the Settlement Class; (ii) the judges assigned to the Litigation and to evaluate the fairness, reasonableness, and adequacy of this Settlement; and (iii) any other Person found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be guilty under criminal law of perpetrating, aiding or abetting the criminal activity occurrence of the Data Incident or who pleads nolo contendere to any such charge.
Your legal rights are affected regardless of whether you do or do not act. Read this Notice carefully.
Submit a Claim Form
You must submit a valid Claim Form to get cash compensation or reimbursement from this Settlement. Claim Forms must be submitted online or mailed, postmarked no later than June 10, 2024.
Do Nothing
If you do nothing, you remain in the Settlement.
You give up your rights to sue and you will not get any cash compensation or reimbursement as a Settlement Class Member.
Exclude Yourself
Get out of the Settlement. Get no money. Keep Your rights.
This is not the only option that allows you to keep your right to sue about the claims in this Litigation. You will not get any money from the Settlement.
Your Opt-Out Request must be postmarked no later than June 10, 2024.
File an Objection
Stay in the Settlement but tell the Court why you think the Settlement should not be approved.
Objections must be postmarked no later than June 10, 2024.
Go to a Hearing
You can ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the Settlement at your own expense. See Question 18 for more details.
The Final Approval Hearing is scheduled for June 17, 2024 at 2PM ET
This Settlement Website is authorized by the Court, supervised by counsel for the Parties and controlled by Kroll Settlement Administration LLC, the Settlement Administrator approved by the Court. This is the only authorized Settlement Website for this case.
(833) 383-6116
Kemp v. Northstar Kroll Settlement Administration LLC PO Box 5324 New York, NY 10150-5324
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Important Dates
Exclusion Deadline
Monday, June 10, 2024
You must complete and mail your request for exclusion form so that it is postmarked no later than Monday, June 10, 2024.
Objection Deadline
Monday, June 10, 2024
You must mail your objection(s) and/or notice of intent to appear at the Final Approval Hearing so that it/they are postmarked no later than Monday, June 10, 2024.
Claim Form Deadline
Monday, June 10, 2024
You must submit your Claim Form online no later than Tuesday, June 10, 2024, or mail your completed paper Claim Form so that it is postmarked no later than Monday, June 10, 2024
Final Approval Hearing Date
Monday, June 17, 2024
The Final Approval Hearing is scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2024. Please check this Settlement Website for updates.